Discord / Teamspeak
• Any violation of discords TOS or community guidelines will result in a permanent ban.
• Racist, homophobic, sexual or socially unacceptable speech will not be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban.
• No Nicknames or profile images of a racist, sexual, homophobic or socially unacceptable nature are permitted. You will be asked to change them.
• Harassment or toxic behaviour will be not tolerated. Keep trolling to a minimum and always be respectful to players.
• No political or religious discussions are allowed.
• Please do not discuss or advertise any other servers.
• English language only in chat.
• No spam. This includes the use of emoji’s, images or memes.
Game Servers
• Any violation of discords TOS or community guidelines will result in a permanent ban.
• Racist, homophobic, sexual or socially unacceptable speech will not be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban.
• No Nicknames or profile images of a racist, sexual, homophobic or socially unacceptable nature are permitted. You will be asked to change them.
• Harassment or toxic behaviour will be not tolerated. Keep trolling to a minimum and always be respectful to players.
• No political or religious discussions are allowed.
• Please do not discuss or advertise any other servers.
• English language only in chat.
• No spam. This includes the use of emoji’s, images or memes.