Operation Flashpoint / CWA Servers Information:

We do run 2 OFP / CWA Servers.

One is a Old school disk version that can be updated to the 1.96 version.

The second is a Steam version that is a 1.99 but also can be used by the disk version if you patch it up all the way to 1.99.

The status of the server you can find in the server tab on the top of the page.



Name Server:  [LOL] Clowns of War 1.96

IP: or by lolclan.servegame.com

Port: 2322


Name Server:  [LOL] Clowns of War 1.99

IP: or by lolclan.servegame.com

Port: 2332

Operation Flashpoint / CWA Servers Disk Information:

This server contains Operation Flashpoint and all the expensions.
  1. Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis (2001)
  2. Operation Flashpoint: Red Hammer (2002)
  3. Operation Flashpoint: Resistance (2002)

Or you have the Operation Flashpoint (GOTY Edition), that contains all of the above packs. 

You just need to upgrade to Patch version 1.96

You can find the 1.96 patch, here ! <- Link Here ->

We also run mods with these servers.

As OFP doesn’t have mod database on steam like Arma3 does. Means that you have to get our modpack from our site.

You can find the modpack, here ! <- Link Here ->

The modpack size will be 715.2 MiB and called OFP_COW_Mods.7z

Tools needed are 7zip. <- Get 7zip, here ! ->

launch target line for OFP/CWA

 “C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE” -mod=@[lol];@LOLextras;@LOLExtras2;@LOLIslands;@ww4mod25 
