About Us:
We are the [LOL] Clan, and we host CO-OP mil-sim servers.
We are a clan that has been hanging around the internet since the dawn of Operation Flashpoint, now rebranded Arma Cold War Assault, which then morphed from one game to another: Arma, Arma2, Arma2 OA, Arma3 and now Arma Reforger.
During these times many people did come and go, and even today a few of the original Dinos are still around and some still maintain the services.
We are trying to keep the spirit alive, remembering that having fun is our main goal.
As many know us from the past, we have a different approach to the game and our clan.
We are the [LOL] Clan after all, and we wear clown faces in game and are infamous for our tactical mishaps.
Not sure if this is due to us being Muppets or just to make sure we won’t TK the crap out of each other!
In short, we are here to have some fun and relax, while not taking it all too seriously in the game. ( just a little bit )
Some of our clan members made missions in the past for our server and for other servers (clans).
We host CO-OP servers, and we only have a few rules:
No Respawns, No Crosshairs, No Muppets.